IBM Books

Installation and Initial Configuration Guide

Setting Up the IBM 2212 Initial Configuration

Note:The following instructions assume that you have used the Access Integration Services Configuration Program to create a full configuration and have stored the configuration file on a workstation on the network. This is the recommended method for configuring the IBM 2212 as explained in Full Configuration.
To perform initial configuration on the IBM 2212, you must first establish access to the IBM 2212. You can establish access either locally or remotely as described in Access Methods. If your system administrator has filled out the Initial Configuration Worksheet in the 2212 Access Utility Introduction and Planning Guide, obtain that worksheet now to use as a guide when performing the tasks in this section. Then:

  1. Press the space bar to obtain the console.

  2. At the Config Only> prompt, use the add device command to configure the primary LAN or WAN interface. This is the adapter in your IBM 2212 that will connect to the LAN/WAN of the workstation or server on which the IBM 2212's configuration data is located.
    Note:The four integrated WAN ports on the standard system card do not need to be added; they are added automatically by the Access Integration Services software.
    Note:If you have a high-performance system card use the add device command to add the 4-port WAN PMC adapter.
    If you plan to use a WAN interface and want to use a data link type other than PPP (which is the default) then you will need to use the set data link command to change the data link type.

  3. At the Config only> prompt, type qconfig and press Enter to start the Quick Configuration program.

  4. Perform an initial configuration to establish the IP address and IP mask for the primary LAN/WAN interface for the IBM 2212 as follows:

    1. Configure Bridging

      • Enter No to Configure Bridging?

    2. Configure Protocols

      • Enter Yes to Configure Protocols?

    3. Configure IP

      1. Enter Yes to Configure IP?

      2. For the LAN/WAN interface that will communicate with the Access Integration Services Configuration Program, enter Yes to Configure IP on this interface?

      3. Enter the IP address at the IP Address prompt

      4. Enter the IP mask at the Address Mask prompt

      5. If you have other interfaces, enter No to Configure IP on this interface?

      6. Enter No to Enable Dynamic Routing?

      7. Enter Yes to Define Community with Read_Write_Trap Access?

        Enter the community name that will have Read_Write_Trap access

      8. Enter Yes to Save this configuration?

    4. Configuring IPX and DECnet

      1. Enter No to Configure IPX?

      2. Enter No to Configure DNA?

    5. Saving the Configuration file

      • Enter Yes to Do you want to write this configuration?

  5. Type restart to restart the IBM 2212.

  6. Wait for the IBM 2212 to finish reloading. When the loading is finished, you can transfer configuration files that you have created in the Configuration program to the IBM 2212.

  7. From the Configuration Program, send the configuration to the IBM 2212. See Getting a Configuration File from a Workstation to the IBM 2212 for instructions.

After Initial Configuration

Important:After the 2212 is configured and operational, always back up the active configuration file. Keeping this file enables you to re-establish the 2212 on the network if the active configuration becomes corrupted.

You can back up the active configuration file by retrieving it and storing it in the workstation on which the Access Integration Services Configuration Program resides. See the Configuration Program User's Guide for instructions on retrieving a configuration file.

You can also use the command-line interface to back up a configuration file; however, it will be stored in the IBM 2212 instead of offline in a workstation. See Backing Up the Active Configuration for instructions on using the command-line interface to back up a configuration file.

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